
The Leading Edge

Have you ever wondered what makes an athlete ‘tick’? What motivates the good to become the best? What gives the best of the best their leading edge?

Leading Edge Performance helps athletes of all ages and abilities begin to understand these questions and reach their full potential. Whether you just want to get fit or are looking to improve your ‘A’ game, we maximise sports performance by supporting your physical and mental development into not only a better athlete but a greater person.

How Sports Psychology Works

To unlock your best performance, you need more than physical fitness. This is where sports psychology comes into play. When working with mental performance and mindset services, we’ll use the psychological basis of your sport, performance-based endeavours, and current scientific research, to provide a tailored plan aimed at improving your performance mindset across a wide range of areas, including confidence, motivation, and comeback from injury.

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Welcome Leading Edge Performance

What I Help With

Welcome Leading Edge Performance

Confidence and Self-Esteem

Welcome Leading Edge Performance

Performance Anxiety

Welcome Leading Edge Performance

Motivation and Commitment

Welcome Leading Edge Performance

Team Dynamics and Cohesion

Welcome Leading Edge Performance

Focus and Concentration

Welcome Leading Edge Performance

Dealing with Injury

The Standards of Sports Psychology

As a sport psychologist in training, I am registered with the British Psychological Society, which upholds the professional standard of all psychologists. As such, sports psychologists have supervision and training in place, while ethical practice is guaranteed, to ensure that we carry out our role to the highest professional standard possible.

About Me


The Motivational Climate

May 28, 2024|

What is a 'Motivational Climate'? It's easy to find material, including videos, podcasts, and even blogs on Leading Edge (or further afield) that look at [...]

Understanding Aggression In Sport

February 8, 2024|

Aggression in sport is a topic that sparks both interest and controversy. It’s a characteristic which has both negative and positive connotations, even being seen [...]

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